以太坊ETH部分主流network id
非原创 boybaby 发表于:2022-08-05 23:25:32
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可参考 https://chainlist.org/zh

0: Olympic, Ethereum public pre-release PoW testnet

1: Frontier, Homestead, Metropolis, the Ethereum public PoW main network

1: Classic, the (un)forked public Ethereum Classic PoW main network, chain ID 61

2: Morden Classic, the public Ethereum Classic PoW testnet, now retired

3: Ropsten, the public proof-of-work Ethereum testnet, now deprecated

4: Rinkeby, the public Geth-only PoA testnet, now deprecated

5: Goerli, the public cross-client PoA testnet

6: Kotti Classic, the public cross-client PoA testnet for Classic

7: Mordor Classic, the public cross-client PoW testnet for Classic

10: Optimism, the Layer-2 EVM

42: Kovan, the public Parity-only PoA testnet, now retired

56: Binance, the public Binance mainnet

69: Optimism's Kovan testnet

77: Sokol, the public POA Network testnet

99: POA Core, the public POA Network main network

100: Gnosis Chain, the public xDAI/Gnosis main network

1337: the private, local Geth development network

42161: Arbitrum One, main network

401697: Tobalaba, the public Energy Web Foundation testnet

421611: Arbitrum test network

11155111: Sepolia, the public proof-of-work Ethereum testnet

[Other]: Could indicate that you arr connected to a local development test network.

